Desainer New York, Patricia Field berkolaborasi dengan Coca-Cola Inggris untuk memberikan tampilan baru pada koleksi edisi terbatas Diet-Coke. Desain yang diciptakan pada masing-masing botol memiliki empat karakteristik berbeda berdasarkan warnanya. Botol berwarna kuning keemasan melambangkan 'Karir', botol berwarna merah adalah 'Semangat', botol merah muda untuk 'Cinta', serta biru turquoise untuk merepresentasikan 'gaya'.
Sebelum Patricia Field, Coca-cola telah mengajak beberapa desainer dunia untuk turut menyihir tampilan botolnya, antara lain Manolo Blahnik, Jonathan Saunders, Julien Macdonald, Matthew Williamson, dan Gharani Strok.
New York Designer, Patricia Field has just collaborated with Coca-Cola Great Britain to give a new look for Diet-Coke limited edition collection. The design on each bottle has their own unique characteristic based on their colors. The gold bottle represents 'Career', red means 'Passion', pink for 'Love', and turquoise symbolizes 'Fashion'.
Before Patricia Field, Coca-Cola already asked few names from world class designers to use their spell on their coke bottle appearance, such as Manolo Blahnik, Jonathan Saunders, Julien Macdonald, Matthew Williamson, and Gharani Strok.
"What brings me sunshine?" Collection
"The joy of designing something that makes me smile, like my cherry red shoes." - Manolo Blahnik
"A pencil, some paper and the creativity they allow me to express." - Jonathan Saunders